
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Arduino based Human Interface Device


  1. Nice! Looking forward to seeing the code.

  2. My code is in this blog post:

  3. Im guessing the point of this was for an Audrino Mod but you can easily use a wiimote including the nunchuck and its accelerometers over bluetooth using GLovePie.

  4. Yeah this was my very first microcontroller project.. That time I wasn't well researched about the different projects like GlovePie out there. I also didn't wanna buy a Wiimote since I don't have a Wii. At least now by altering my code slightly people can easily make homebrew controllers that hook up to PS/2 or USB ports.

  5. Hi Rajarshi
    would you mine to take a picture on how you connect the ps2 wires to the arduino?

    I'm trying to play frets on fire with an arduino with pressure sensor.
    I tried the AAC keys method but did not work, and all the information of converting the arduino to HID is really confusion.

    Thanks in advance ..

  6. Can the ULN2003 be used with 18m of led strip(thats 540 leds, 0,3A/m)?

    I made this a while ago but haven't tried it for longer periods of time as the room isn't all done yet. But it works at least for a couple of minutes.

    What can happen?
    Can the ULN2003 break, can there be a fire, can the arduino uno break?

  7. hey man i am using your code and the ps2 converter do i need need additional software as well. also does it matter that i am running it on a mac?

  8. hey man i am using your code and the ps2 converter do i need need additional software as well. also does it matter that i am running it on a mac? sorry i am new at this and my comp isnt reading any of the functions as keystrokes


  9. HI,
    What you have done is fantastic I have been looking for this for a long time now.

    two questions:

    One. wat is the format of the codes being used in the keyboard.write()?

    two., does it matter where the pin are set up to?

    Thanks Tom
